Pictured: Fr. Jim Courville and Seminarian Joey White
On June 15, 2017, Bay Area Serra Club welcomed nine new members at an Induction Ceremony during 6:30 p.m. Holy Mass celebrated by Club Chaplain,Fr. James Courville at St. Joseph's Chapel, Mary Queen Church, Friendswood, Tx. Deacon of the Mass was Dcn. Vincent Eklund. Seminarian, Joey White served as Acolyte and delivered a reflection on forgiveness. New Serran Mary Catherine Heeb and Maggie Adams, wife of Serran Wade Adams, provided organ and vocal accompaniment for the Mass. Afterwards, all enjoyed dinner and desserts in abundance.
Pictured: Bill & Ann Cole, sponsored by Helen Stigant; David & Rhonda Stryk, sponsored by Tim & Annette Healy; Mary Brezina, sponsored by Rick Banke; Mary Katherine Heeb, sponsored by Ann Descant; and Luke & Vita Rao, sponsored by Al Stryk.